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Get actionable intelligence from real-time data

Take advantage of geospatial OSINT to stay up-to-date on the upcoming threats. Gather insights to protect your organisation and solve complicated cases.

Ultimate awareness

Streamline your research capabilities by employing an ultimate
Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) platform.
Choose from more than 40 sources - Social media, IoT/ICS devices, Vulnerabilities, Wifi & Bluetooth, different types of cameras, Transportation sytem, Crimes, Real-time events and more.
Respond to threats before they appear and monitor various sources to complete your investigation.


Aggregate data from various social media platforms. All in one place.

Access public data from more than 20 social media platforms. The information is not only conveniently laid out on the map, but displayed on the timeline to add more context into your investigation.

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Locate critical infrastructure and vulnerable devices before cybercriminals do.

Map out the attack surface and discover weak spots by analysing your network. Internet is an ocean and vulnerable devices can be lost in it. You have to uncover your weaknesses, our tool helps to protect countries and organisation of any scale.


Observe how the city moves. Access cameras, real-time events and monitor traffic.

Gather information about traffic, position of planes, trains, vessels, and any transport to aid your investigation. Monitor city by accessing cameras and collecting real-time events.


Investigate criminals and find missing people like a seasoned detective.

From exposed devices and infrastructure to people investigation, our platform is suitable for any kind of OSINT work. Seamlessly tackle even the most challenging cases using face recognition, username lookup, and other people search modules.

Use cases

Tailored for every professional to answer intelligence
questions of any scale and complexity.

Intelligence agencies

Intelligence analysts use our tool to collect information on entities and countries. Our tool helps to discover critical infrastructure and sensitive data.

Police departments
& security services

Law enforcement and security professionals use our tool to monitor situation online and on the ground. We provide insights so you could effortlessly make important decisions.

Private investigators &
investigative journalists

Investigators use our tool to collect information about people. Our geolocation and facial recognition modules are invaluable in missing people search.


Various researchers use our tool to access live intelligence. From red teams that look for vulnerabilities, to physical security we cater to every use case.



  • 125 Shodan (IoT, ICS, Exposed Cameras, Vulnerabilities) requests
  • 250 Wigle data points (Wifi, Bluetooth, Cell Towers)
  • 10 Hashtag searches
  • 50 for other modules
  • 10 Username searches
  • 10 AI Geolocation
  • 10 Face recognition searches


  • 250 Shodan (IoT, ICS, Exposed Cameras, Vulnerabilities) requests
  • 500 Wigle data points (Wifi, Bluetooth, Cell Towers)
  • 20 Hashtag searches
  • 100 for other modules
  • 10 Username searches
  • 20 AI Geolocation
  • 20 Face recognition searches


  • Unlimited Shodan (IoT, ICS, Exposed Cameras, Vulnerabilities) requests
  • Unlimited Wigle data points (Wifi, Bluetooth, Cell Towers)
  • Unlimited for other modules
  • Unlimited Username, AI Geolocation, and Face recognition searches
  • Multiple accounts
  • Separate environment
  • Training included


A security researcher appears to have tracked the physical location of a former top Biden administration official through his apparent usage of AllTrails, a popular hiking app.

Read more on vice.com


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Industrial Control System & Internet of Things reconnaissance tool

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